Developmental Support Sessions

Think of this as your child's developmental check-up. We will perform a developmental screen and show you 2-3 activities to support your child’s motor development. Support sessions are a great option for caregivers who don’t have specific concerns but want to ensure their child’s development is on track. They are also beneficial for babies who are at increased risk for developmental delay such as babies who were born before 37 weeks gestation, babies who had prolonged hospitalizations, and babies with complex medical needs. This is a wellness service, but if any concerns arise when working with your child we can discuss options for physical therapy. We offer sessions in-person at our Tucson, AZ clinic or virtual sessions nationwide! (Only for children under 2 years of age)

FREE Developmental Play Group!

For babies from birth until walking independently. We meet weekly to play, connect with other parents, and answer your developmental questions! (Due to space limitations reservation required to attend)

Visit our online scheduling portal to look for our next available opening or reserve your play group spot! Have questions about our services? Book a free discovery call today so we can determine if we are the right fit for your child!